Working hard……

Yep, that’s right.  I bought yet ANOTHER exercise bike, and this one had absolutely no purpose other than I liked it better than my old one which was also quite new.  As regular readers may remember, I bought it less than a year ago to rehab a knee injury.  So both this almost brand new bike and a really nice Nordic Track Pro, in great condition, are posted on Craigslist.  And this new recumbent Gold’s Gym bike is in my office.

But what I want to be clear about is the picture.  Ben is ONLY seated like this because he was being a smarty pants because he could not reach the pedals.  It is very important for me to express that he is NOT doing ANY SORT OF IMITATION of my exercise style.  I in fact will use this, and quite surprisingly to many, my feet do indeed touch the pedals!  The other bike was great when I needed it, but this will be a regular friend.  Even Amanda likes it.  It is a win-win.

But I will confess that I am not nearly as efficient in losing weight as I was when I was in bootcamp.  And I miss it too. I am not sure I can justify the cost, as money is tight here and I went the first time on a special rate.  In addition to that, it was about 2 gallons of gas each day and 3 days a week.  Now that adds quite a bit more to the cost.

Of course, the old “emergency open heart surgery” argument is a good one.  It is probably more expensive than bootcamp and gas, but I am still losing weight without it.  It just is not nearly as fast.

So this is to say that I am still at it, and still working hard.  No, Ben is not….but I am.   I still intend to greet my Marine in December close to 180.  Pray for me that I succeed.  But I will do so by not imitating Ben.  What a weenie he is!  AND, he can’t even reach the pedals either!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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