Part Six of Priests Who Have Formed Me: Father Bill Noce

Well, although there are certainly others, Bill will round up the “big six” for me and end my series.  He and his wife Edna both work out of the “home office” and were married to each other for OVER 70 YEARS!!  And I had the great blessing of not just know this giant of a man at the last of his life, but I also was blessed to give first Bill when he died, and then Edna when she died, The Last Rites.  They were two amazing people and it was such an honor.

Yet in all honesty, Bill and I never got to work together “formally” on anything.  By the time we met he was long retired and his sight was very poor.  I did however get to have plenty of conversations with him, and I remember one night when he was in the hospital, how he shared the regret that we had not known each other when he was younger as we probably would have taken a lot by storm.  I got a lot from him though.  He talked, and I listened.  I’d tell him things, he’d give me advice.  He had many choices in where he could have hung his hat, but I was truly blessed that he chose to hang it in my parish.  His wisdom was never lost on me.

He was a Navy Chaplain and proud of it.  He had a wonderful sense of humor and I was often its benefactor.  He was old when we met, yet I often imagined him as a younger man.  I could see me in him, and we talked frankly about aging and ministry and faith.  And now at almost 53, his lessons still ring pretty true.  All of us finish our course sooner or later, the key was to do it well.  I be where he is someday, and I intend to thank him in person.

And I end on Bill specifically as I remember quite vividly going to give him Last Rites.  I had Steph and Scott with me and it was at Community North Heart Hospital in Indianapolis.  I had been seeing him there but he took a turn for the worse.  His sons, both older than me as Bill was in his 90’s, were in the waiting room.  And as Scotty and Stephy were in there with them it kind of all kind of came together.  Four clergy kids, with probably many shared experiences, and many more to come, all gathered together to prepare one of their dads for entrance in Life Eternal.  And although my kids were young, the four of them talked a lot.  Someday maybe they too can return the favor to those who follow.

When Edna then died, it was late when I got to the nursing home where she was, but I made sure I took Steph and Scott.  They stood in the hall as I went inside, but they knew who was in there and why I was there.  They didn’t complain, they knew it was important, and I am sure it meant a lot to Bill and Edna’s sons as well.  But I miss them.  They were two of the kindest and gentlest people I have ever known and they imparted upon me, owning me nothing, quite a lot of real knowledge.

Tonight’s picture is a scan of a drawing Bill kept in his office……it is our boss!  The family gave it to me, and it is a high honor….it is now in mine.  But I will post one of Bill if I find one,  He would be tickled however to know that I am using it tonight.

Anyway, thanks for allowing me to share about Bill and these other great Saints of God in my life.  I have been both humbled and honored to serve in their presence, and I hope to be the blessing to others that they have been to me.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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