Shots fired!!!!!

Yes the picture is of the end result, his leg (on the left) and my arm (on the right) with matching Snoopy band aids.  Yet the picture does not tell the whole story.  It was much more than you can see.

In fact, it really was more like the WWF, in that Ben decided he was not going to get his shot after all.  He had to be held down by a nurse, and his mom and me.  And for a little guy, he kicked like a stinking MULE!!  And he screamed louder than his sister at a Justin Bieber concert. (Yes, I will pay for that joke the next time I see her.)  But the bottom line was he got the shot, and he limped out into the lobby (his grandma was waiting out there) and he made the most of he could out of it until he forgot…..about 5 seconds later.

As for me, I got my shot, and felt the nurse put on the band aid more than I did the shot, but neither really hurt.  I went out and showed Ben my matching band aid, but he seemed quite disinterested.  He did manage to tell his mom and grandma a little later that “Daddy cried like a little baby,” but since I already had Amanda as a witness, I am hoping that she believed I did better than that.  Time will tell, but we will see.

So we are all set now until next year.  Sadly enough tonight Ben already has a fever, but I know that sometimes that happens with people who get a flu shot……… it probably also happens to little boys who lie about their dads crying like little babies!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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