Excited to see his sister…….

Yes, you would think from this picture that he was not all that excited, but for DAYS it is all he has talked about.  We are now in Missouri for our annual visit to Lindenwood Homecoming.  Of course there is no official lacrosse going on, just the Alumni game, BUT it is always a gratuitous visit to eat drink and be merry with Steph and her comrades.  And that we have begun to do.

The second picture is Ben and Steph and Kara at a restaurant in the greater St. Louis area.  The ate a ton and then got perhaps the largest turtle sundae in the history of the world.  And as I am writing this from the hotel, they are all back at Steph’s house where Ben is no doubt holding court with all his college girlfriends……of which there are MANY!

And yes, he is clearly AWAKE.  He was going to stay with Steph tonight, but since she has to be up so early tomorrow, she is bringing him back to the hotel tonight.  Ben’s desire was for her to just stay here and sleep with him on the sleeper sofa.  Her’s was to have him stay the night at her house.  But since she has to be up so very early, he will be dropped back by here tonight to sleep with…..hopefully his Nanny in her room, but most probably us in ours!!

But the great part is that we are all out here together.  We will be together again at Thanksgiving and then again for Christmas break when we will head to California to see our Marine graduate.  For now however, we are just enjoying this part.  Ben and Steph are just so very tight and LOVE being together.   It is so cool to see.

I am just happy to be here as I could not make it last year.  It will be a fun weekend, and already is.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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