Showtime, and other disturbing things……..

Unlike most people, I do not get a kick out of “remakes” of much of anything.  And that is probably a pretty good indicator that I am going to complain about my day yesterday with Ben and Amanda watching “Peabody and Sherman” at the theatre.

First of all, I am not a big fan of movie theaters anyhow.  Oh sure, they are far nicer than they were when I was young, but I have a lot of movies I have not watched, and quite frankly I am much more comfortable at home.  I love theatre popcorn, yet I am not supposed to have it, and I am also quite “old school,” meaning if the seat reclines, has cup holders, and doesn’t have a bunch of gum wadded up on the bottom of the seat, it probably isn’t authentic anyhow.  Yep, I am that bad.

But we DO got to movies, or to clarify, MY FAMILY often goes, and sometimes I go along.  To me however, everything is kind of the same.  Sure, some of the movies are good, but where are the original ideas and why are they so predictable?  PLUS, anything on a screen seems pretty hypocritically portrayed in our modern world.  I mean if stereotypes for people, races, and things are offensive in real life then why are they okay on the screen?

“Peabody and Sherman” was no exception, and like an
ything of that sort, it full of puns and pretty predictable humor.  My wife thought it was hilarious, but if she had good judgement she’d be at the movies with a much better husband than me!   And Ben is 6, so the word “butt” or anything of such nature, cracks him, like all 6 year olds, up.  Viper of course went along and had the better deal sleeping in the truck.  I endured it and had some popcorn because I was suffering.

But in the end I realized that “Peabody and Sherman” were really not all that funny in my time either. They were fillers to Bullwinkle the Moose and Rocky the Flying Squirrel.  We endured them as kids because they were for the adults watching with us, as no 6 year old gives a dang about Leonardo da vinci or history.  And why they didn’t take those millions and bring back Bullwinkle instead is beyond me.  Being Canadian, perhaps he had problems with his visa.

But I survived the day, and I suppose I should declare that some sort of victory.  Ben enjoyed it as he always does, and that is what matters most.  And the fact that Amanda did too, makes me think I need to check our insurance…….she clearly needs some therapy.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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