Tommy’s Inferno…….

Have you ever had one of those days when nothing seems to go right?  Well I am having a string of those in a row……physical and emotional pain, too much stress, and not too many windows of opportunity to escape it all.  It has been killing me.  AND, as if that were not bad enough, tonight, as I was sharing a bit with Father PT on the phone (I use a hands-free) I looked up to see the flashing lights……yes, I was pulled over.

The Sargent was more than nice, especially since I was clocked doing 45 in a SCHOOL ZONE right in front of him.  What our conversation included was how the car in front of me slammed on its brakes and almost came to a stop…..I thought with the abrupt stop he had broken down.  SO I WENT AROUND HIM.  He was speeding and had obviously seen the Sargent, and his the brakes.  My going around him probably saved him a ticket.  It was also was 4:20 and there were not a lot happening around the school at that time as the zone was expiring in 10 minutes.  So I apologized and told him what had happened…..and he believed me.  And he should have….it was the truth.

So the Sargent pulled me through a good window with a warning.  It was really one of the only highlights of the day.  Tomorrow however is a new opportunity.  I am just hoping and praying for a good night’s sleep!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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