Trying to turn the corner……

Yes this is the pre-surgery Ben, in the Mini Cooper that he (and all kids) drive to surgery at the Surgery Center.  And in all honesty, he totally stunk at driving it.  He never kept his foot on the gas long enough to get anywhere, which made even getting the OR quite a feat, and he has no concept of corners.

And post operation, he still is having trouble with corners.  He refuses to swallow ANYTHING….including his own spit.  And yes, this has delayed his recovery and made him a candidate for dehydration, but this afternoon he DID make a lot of progress.  It seems he will not need to go back to the doctor over the weekend.  But I will say that he still is not a big fan of drinking a thing!!

The good news in all of this however, is that I WENT to my doctor today about the fever I have been running since the night of Ben’s surgery.  I am NOT contagious to him and am now on meds.  This means I can now take night duty, regardless of how I feel.  And it may not seem rational, but I am really quite thankful for that.  Amanda is exhausted and I want her to get some sleep.  Tonight she finally will.

So that is my report.  It’s progress, but I am hoping tomorrow to give even a better one!!  We have a lot to be thankful for here…..and the best is this……Ben’s recovery is far better than he drives!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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