A real smoothie…….

I sent both my wife and daughter into a rant…..as I picked Ben up from school today I could see him walking, and walking with a GIRL.  They were HOLDING HANDS, and I will not confess to anything more.  But Ben has been given clear direction from both Amanda and Steph that he is in KINDERGARTEN and that he is NOT to have any girlfriends.

But of course regular readers know that Ben has TONS of girlfriends. He considers most of the girls that grew up with Steph his girlfriends, and ALL the girls at college as well.  he clearly is showing a propensity for dating the “older women,” yet in all reality, he doesn’t have any money, no car, nor a driver’s license.  AND, he lives with his parents…..but at least not in our basement.  He is not really what you would consider dating material, but he is cute and I suppose that must count for something.

So Steph gave the first lecture from Missouri (I had given the first) and Amanda gave the third.  They are apparently “just friends,” and their smiles seemed mutual, but I do understand that we really need to nip this in the bud.

But some guys just have it, and he is one of them.  So many girls and really so much time…..really he has A LOT of time….after all, he is just 5!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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