Feeling squirrely……

I saw this picture earlier…..before the crash.  And it reminded me of Scott and the US Marines, although I am fairly certain there are currently no squirrels serving, and that is regardless of their sexuality.  But I had great plans to use it.  I was going to post after Amanda, Ben and I returned from the social tonight at St. Patrick’s.

Unfortunately I did not make it.  I began to feel sick again about 4 and by the time to leave AND NOW, I am fighting the chills and pain.  But I did make them leave without me.  They should have fun.

But in all honesty, this is all I can write.  I am already on the right meds, and this is a pretty hard setback for me.  I feel MISERABLE.  Fortunately I am not contagious, nor was it able to interfere with a very busy day….except for the social.

Please however enjoy the squirrel.  If he really does exist it would be in our yard….we have 10 thousand of them.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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