A very very close call……….

Yes, I am back to the land of the living, although I have spent the majority of the day in bed.  I got up to post this blog and write Scotty a letter, and in that short period of time I also became embroiled in a conflict between Ben and my wife.  Apparently Ben has developed a sudden allergy to baths, even though he takes one every day.

And what was odd was that he argued with her as if he believed it and that she would too, yet his argument had no basis in the truth….he was just being an obstinate 5 year old.  And this is good too, as he is still 5.

But I waited until I heard the familiar line, “you will not talk back to me” and “do you want your father to get involved in this?”  The second one is always my cue, as I have found that my “I appreciate you” quotient always seems to be higher when I interject myself into these times over the times that I do not…..so I did.

But I had JUST got back to the land of the living, and really an obstinate 5 year old can be quite a challenge to a tired, worn-out dad…..so I brought in the reinforcement (not reinforcements)……I grabbed my phone and hit the speaker so he could hear the dial tone and said “that’s okay, I will just call SANTA.”

Now had I not known that he was alone in the hallway with his mom I would have been certain someone was out there stabbing him.  Suddenly he was wailing and begging and apologizing, and apologizing for crimes he had not even committed.  He was a changed man….and one for the good.

So as I sit hear in my office next to the bathroom with the tub, I can here him all reconciled and happy.  Apparently his allergy is cured and his problems are solved….at least for now.  I am just happy I didn’t need to call the big man.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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