
Yep, I ran his bath for him tonight, and to him, everything is an opportunity for a joke.  And fortunately for him and for me, I needed a good joke.  I am still well under the weather, although not contagious at all (yes, I have seen the doctor) and I am probably going to be a bit low for the better part of the next few days.

But Ben did make me laugh.  He is sometimes a little beacon of comedy in a sea of seriousness.  And although I lean the to the comedic side more often than not, not feeling well had docked my ship in the port of pathetic-ness….I needed a guide out……and I saw it laughing from the tub.

Sure, he’s now heading to bed, so it was a short voyage from port (not quite a three hour tour…a three hour tour).  But it WAS helpful.  When you don’t feel well goofballs like Ben do you some good.  In fact, some say that laughter is the best medicine…..if that were true however, I am sure I would never feel poorly.  All our kids crack me up (which is great as my wife is NOT FUNNY at all….just ask her)

But a little dose was all  I needed to get me to bed, and tonight I am thankful for it.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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