Christmas decorations…….

My wife Amanda has approximately 6000 boxes of decorations for every holiday and my job is to carry the totes up and down the stairs, as instructed, with the appropriate ones per the season.  And it is really quite the job.  (not mine, hers)  Everything has it’s place and she loves to make it look “just right.”

And of course that is exactly why I am posting tonight’s picture, which is of Ben’s idea of “shoe stockings.”  I do not believe that this is a “real” Christmas tradition anywhere per se, but when you are a kid who has spent all day walking around the house with a car charger wrapped around your chest telling everyone it is some sort of “heart device” from when your sister took you to the hospital, well then just about anything is possible.  After all, I have not seen Steph all day and I am pretty sure she is still in Missouri for FINALS WEEK.  But what do I know?  I am just the dad.

So the shoe stockings will stay up this week, partially because they are cute but mainly because he will throw a fit if she takes them down.

And it is important not to upset him…….he is wearing that Walmart car charger that is keeping him alive.  We do not want to take any chances.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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