Finishing up the trip of a lifetime (so far)………..

Stephanie post-game…..clearly miserable!

I had every intention of posting last night when I got back to my hotel, but in truth, by the time that I got there, which was AFTER midnight, I just didn’t have the energy.  I was able to set my alarm clock and put my head on a pillow, but not much more after that.  I had come from Steph’s hotel where the team is staying so I could say goodbye.  I was certain they would be up awhile.

But why?  Well because Steph and her teammates knocked off the #5 team in the country at the #5 team’s field too!  It was a spectacular win, and I was so very blessed to be down there (in Florida) to see it.   Of course the #5 team will probably no be #5 on Monday morning when the poll comes out, but the Lions (Steph’s team) came into the game at #10.  They also beat the #11 team (Rollins), but they too will drop.  I can hardly wait to see the poll.

But I was to say I am very very proud of Steph, because a little known fact about her is that it keeps alive the possibility of her not graduating in May………she and I both would LOVE it that way too.  Oh, she’ll get her degree, but she may not be there.  You see if the Lions happen to go to the National Championship Tournament the Final conflicts with her graduation date, and she and the other seniors just want to get to that field in Virginia.  I am hoping that they do.

But in May Steph will be awarded a Bachelor’s of Science in Chemistry, and all while playing four full years for one of the top teams in the country.  They travel extensively and to be honest, I probably couldn’t make the time to watch the news if I was majoring in Chemistry, let alone keep her schedule.  She has papers, projects, and labs.  She doesn’t make up, she stays ahead. And they seem to practice all the time.  She is one impressive young woman.

Post-game Lions!

I am proud of her for all her accomplishments for sure, but more than anything, I am proud to be her father.  You know, if she didn’t do any of this, or even not gone away for school, who she is as a person is absolutely amazing.  And she calls me dad.  How cool is that?

They play again tomorrow and then back to Missouri where they have a little time to heal some injuries and prepare for their next game on Palm Sunday.  But at least today (Saturday) they can have a little rest and enjoy weather that would only disturb a penguin.  They deserve it, as they have earned it.  And as I told her before I left, I thought I couldn’t ever imagine anything better, but then there were those thoughts about her not graduating…………….

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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