Some observations on my life……

Yes, I discovered midday that I had not posted a blog entry for yesterday.  Normally, that would have thrown me into a tailspin, as I would connect it to some sort of “brain-malfunction” connected to my stroke and would frantically work to do one ASAP.  After all, I write daily as a therapy to recover and keep myself sharp.

But now things are a bit different.  With Scotty home, being down to one car between Amanda and I, Ben in school, and the craziness of our everyday lives, I have come to the conclusion that sometimes I just get behind or even forget.  Sure, I remembered……but I was nowhere near a computer till now.  I suppose I could type something on my cellphone (it is a supposed “smartphone”) but I cannot see that small, plus to be a smartphone and function as such has a lot to do with the operator.  So I have adopted the philosophy that if I just can’t I can’t…..beyond that I will not worry.

I am pretty sure that no one’s life is in danger due to this rare occurrence (or non-occurrence as it were), but I DO APOLOGIZE to the readers, for I do intend and want to post everyday.  I would just encourage you to be thankful that, although I am a doctor, I am not a medical doctor.  After all, the very idea that I could be hovering over someone in surgery and wondering what I was supposed to do or forgetting things could possibly be pretty bad (I really don’t know as I have not studied medicine).

So I will just keep on being me, and doing the best I can.  It is not perfect, nor is it always pretty, but it is me and it is my life.

In just 6 days Scotty will be gone, Steph is already in Missouri, I will have my truck back, and things will be what Amanda and I call “normal.”  But normal (without us all together) is not our preference.  Even that 66.666666% is not it either.  Missing stuff and forgetting things, or being overly busy with all your family is far better than nailing it at less than 100%.  But it is my life, and I will live it the best I can regardless of the circumstances.

So here is my post for today……a rambling complaint/pseudo-apology guised in the form of a blog-post that is often described as therapy by a guy who is now probably well beyond that…..but who is paying attention to any of it?

My life is what it is, but I’m happy with it.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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