And he had choices too……..

Yes, you can tell we are out as a family, because given the choices of children as to who to sit with, they will ALWAYS sit by grandparents.  And although that may have hurt my wife’s feelings it was fine with me…..they said he had cookies and other sugary things before we all met back up.  They could have kept him longer had they wanted to.

But that is always their strategy, and they learn from the masters……our grandparents.  And quite honestly, I too will be ready for some good old “payback,” I am sorry I mean quality time with our children’s children whenever our kids are brave enough to provide them.  Clearly being a grandparent is “the thing” to be, and it will be a blast when it comes.  I even said to my dad today, “Who are you and what have you done to my father??”  And he just laughed….that dang impostor!!

But all is now well and we are home….ALL of us (but Steph who has this “school thing” going on).  Scotty will play at St. Patrick’s in the morning and I will celebrate there and assist at St. Anne’s.  It should be a great day.

So for now I will call it a day and hit the hay as they say, although I am never to sure who it is I am talking about…..but who cares?  I am going to bed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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