Almost 100 days…….

It’s almost here…..the 100th day of school, and at Lapel Elementary they make a big deal of it too, at least in kindergarten.  Ben has talked about it all last semester, and they even have a party on the 100th day!

But the highlight for the 100th day is that all the kindergartners at least bring in posters commemorating 100.  The posters can be of 100 of anything, but the poster is a project not just of the child, but of his or her family as well.  And today’s picture is of our poster, which Ben turned in yesterday.

Of course things like this are right in my wife’s wheelhouse.  She set up shop like Senior of Orange County Choppers.  She designed (with consultation), Ben counted gum balls and even broke part of the prototype before the reveal (leading to a dramatic last second repair that will help with our ratings) and I was the labor and shipping (clearly a minor character).

Scotty and Steph were not here to contribute to the project, but that made me wonder if there were some issue like Junior and Senior are always in on OCC that I just did not know about.  Minor characters are often left in the dark, mere pawns for the stars, and I just get to know things in projects such as these when it is pertinent for me to know.

But the great part is that the poster is turned in, we are DONE (until the next thing), and it really does look great.

So Happy 100th Day Lapel Elementary School……whenever it really happens!   My wife turns everything in early.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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