Juvenile Delinquency Rebooted……..

Of course it is really just in his DNA, but today Ben had to go pull a RED CARD, which is the equivalent of a capital offense in elementary school.  He had already pulled a yellow card for “talking” which he swears was an “accident,” but as is turned out he had a day full of such accidents.

So tonight’s picture is of his apology card to his teacher Mrs. Scott, as well as a “bonus picture” of he and his cat in “time out,” Ben is asleep but the cat is irritated and making a statement.  As for the card, he was originally coerced into making it, but as he saw that Mrs. Scott would be the least of his problems he suddenly was more than happy to comply.  And he should too.  He is social, but clearly toooooooo social and it is not blessing him in the controlled environment of kindergarten.

And AS A WARNING TO MY RELATIVES AND FRIENDS, no I do not want to be reminded of my consistent presence in the Dean of Boys office or Principal’s office as a kid.  I had a very convenient stroke in 2008 and I have forgotten all about all that or the 9 “orange cards” (go to jail go directly to jail and do not pass go or collect $200 cards) I received as a senior in high school (which may have been a record….well I am sure it was for a Student Body President).

But this is not about me, it is about HIM…….I know he is 5, but I did give him a good talking to and checked him for tattoos and gang paraphernalia.  I hope he gets this all straightened out.

After all, one priest in the family, in my mind at least, is enough.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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