Rock Star……..

It is not a surprise to see him dressed like this.  Most people who think and act like celebrities have the fashion sense of skunks, and he is really no different.  This picture was taken on the way to school this morning.  He had already been handed off to me after he told his mom she had “ruined his life,” which was taken well by the woman who not only bore him but who had just finished ironing his pants…..not that they were wrinkled, but because he likes them warm.

So he was handed off to me, the King of Compassion…..not!  And although I ALWAYS drive him to school, I often just enjoy it….today I was driving with a prima dona (or better yet a prima DON…since he is a boy).  He had stolen my glasses and he was wearing that goofy hat, both of which he thought were the ultimate in cool.  So as it always is, it was hard to be mad at a kid working so hard to be a moron…..but you go with what you know.

But post-school he seems to have warmed back up to his family.  He even has been quite clingy with his mom.  His day of “rock-stardom” seems to be over for now.

But tomorrow is another day, and with him we never know what we will get…..other than a ton of blog posts!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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