The Squirrel of Pain, The Rabbit of Peace, and My State of Confusion………

Yes, two of these are Viper’s dog toys and YES, these are their REAL NAMES.  But as I made my way through my day today (thinking that I was, and had been on top of everything in my ENTIRE LIFE) I was confronted (a much better term than what I could say) by SOMEONE who pointed out that I was not nearly as on the ball as I thought I was.

So here is my post……and YES, the most significant part of it is “My State of Confusion.”  For I was reminded yesterday by Father Dan Conley that I had not posted in 4 days.  SO………I looked and I had started on two, posted on nun (in the Church we always use nun over none) and what hurts the most was missing the opportunity to post on Ground Hog Day (Ground Hogs are rodents that look a lot like a very out of shape version of the Squirrel of Pain, but they all have degrees in Meteorology).  But anyway, you get the idea.  I have been a bit confused, and it was showing………showing to everyone but me.

And in all honesty, that is the truth.  Amanda has been quite sick, and I have been playing doctor, no….get your minds out of the gutter, I was just taking care of her, and although I do have a doctoral degree, it is the wrong kind anyhow.  So I just ask her what she needs, and have her wait till I am available, generally it’s within an hour of her request, but she does have the option of asking to see my assistant if she cannot wait that long.  He THINKS he is a doctor too, but this week he also thought that he was a scientist with a “secret lab,” which is pretty funny as even if he did have a secret lab, you’d think Viper would find him just so he could play with him…..but what do I know?  After all, I am not a psychiatrist.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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