Happy Valentine’s Day!!

A couple of years ago I posted about Scotty cooking dinner for Steph and a few of her friends, and I thought about that tonight as Ben “helped” me cook and host a Valentine’s dinner for his mom.  Sure, I did all the dangerous stuff, but he really DID do a ton of it, and he had every reason to be proud.  He made a chicken Parmesan in spinach and mushroom, with sides of green beans and broccoli.  And since he doesn’t like ANY of that, he had a chicken nuggets TV dinner.

But as you can see, he had a Chef’s apron and hat.  He sat his mom down and after giving her some gifts, told her (as the Chef) that she could have her choice of chicken or of chicken.  And she had the chicken.  They made quick work of their meals and shared a small cake that we bought but didn’t make.  It was a great time, and Steph took part through our texting of pictures of her moron brother (this time Ben).

So Valentine’s Day was a hit.  Ben made her dinner and got her chocolates.  I got her pajamas.  And the cat and dog got her a heart-shaped balloon.  It was all good and Amanda is now in her PJ’s, Ben is in the bath, Puddy is God knows where, Steph is still in Missouri, Scott is in California at combat training, and Viper and I are typing out by the new fire pit which has a nice fire.  The wind just blew my wine over which irritates me a bit, but in all honesty it is 40 degrees in mid February and I am in a sweatshirt with my dog sitting out by a fire……I can’t be mad about that. (Plus I can get another glass).

But please enjoy the Chef picture and if someone wants to look back through and find the date and picture of Scotty as a chef, let me know and I will post them both tomorrow.

But for now I will just enjoy the night and the fire (and my (okay, Scott’s) dog).  Life is good!

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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