Yes, Ben was off school as most of the country was for “Presidents’ Day” and instead of hanging with ME, he decided he wanted instead to go to “Miss Cindy’s” for the day.  Of course “Miss Cindy” watched Ben for most of his “non-school” life, and she absolutely hates the idea of being called the “babysitter,” which is what Ben used to call her.  She is now just “Miss Cindy” to him, HOWEVER, if you look at the pictures I am posting tonight you will understand how my relationship with her is strained……she sent him home with this SMALL ROCKET SHIP!!!

And when I say “small,” I mean in comparison to things like the Apollo rockets and the Space Shuttle.  But in all honesty, it is not all that much smaller than those.  And I love her, I really do, but this has taken up about half our house and it makes me wish her three boys were younger so I could buy them all accordions.   But I will, for now, hold back on my revenge.

In fact, I have no doubt whatsoever that she loves him like a son.  They have always been tight, and that is part of what makes this really all okay.  Oh sure, I am certain she is thankful it is no longer in her house, and I am also sure that he pestered her to give it to him, but it’s the connection that makes it special.  Ben and Cindy couldn’t be closer had she bore him herself……and on Presidents’ Day, I am sure it felt a lot like labor.  She probably only lasted as long as she could.

But Cindy is in a “rocket-free” zone and we are not, while Ben is elated.  And I suppose that is all that counts to all of us.  So thanks Cindy!  We love you and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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