I DON’T WANT to eat at Panera……

Yeah right……just like any other time, by the time you set dinner in front of a hungry child you are proving him to be either a liar or grossly misunderstood.  I am betting on the prior however as I have never seen him not eat at Panera.

But prior to our arrival, he WHINED about how he wanted to eat at the “country club” or the “Hibachi Grill” (and Supreme Buffet!).  But I was the evil giant who took him to meet his mom at Panera.  Granted, hundreds of children are tortured there with their kids meals and caffeine free soda, but it has never stopped us from taking him there as we love to torture him and we like the food.

AND he bemoaned the whole experience up until that very moment that his food arrived. And from then we stopped talking about it.  He ate a lot of chicken noodle soup, in which he LOVES to dip his bread, and his mom bought him a chocolate chip bagel (I wouldn’t have) because she is the mom.

So Ben ate all sorts of stuff and I choked down yet another stupid salad, which is better than normal at Panera.  And Amanda kept the peace.  It was not ideal, but it was dinner.  And with diet and bootcamp, I figure in about 30 years I will lose all the weight I want……..probably at my embalming.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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