Working on our marriage…….

This picture reflects A LOT of progress as it is a picture of my wife doing part of the installation of a ceiling fan in Ben’s room WITH ME.  The most significant part of that sentence is the “with me” too.

In truth, I have a lot of talents when it comes to home repair.  There are some things that I will not do, like get up on the roof, but things like plumbing, electrical, and construction are fine.  And I work and play well with others, meaning the kids.  We have built tons of stuff and repaired things too.  It is never a challenge with them, but if you want to test your relationship try doing any kind of project like that with your wife.  It can be a challenge.

But of course that is part of why we do things like this, because of the challenge.  We should be able to work together in these situations (which can be often difficult) AND, it is important to me that she and the kids know how to do these things too.  It costs a TON of money to have an electrician come in and put up a ceiling fan or rewire a switch.  It costs just the amount of the fan to do it yourself.

But the good news is that we made it through this project AND we did it TOGETHER.  AND…….we are still married too.

But the best news is that the fan and the light are working fine and Ben s quite pleased.  It is good for him to see us do this together successfully too.  It is so much better for him to share than something like “mom hit dad with a hammer right before they called the paramedics…….and the electrician.”

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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