A tale of two realities……..

Today was the best of times, today was the worst of times……..

I love what I do, I really do, so it was very hard to not be in Church doing it today. Yep, I miss work, which probably shows that the damage to my brain is far more extensive than we originally thought. But truthfully, I had a great day. It was also Mother’s Day, and seeing the joy in Amanda was worth it all. The kids and I got her a statuette with a mom and baby, and we fortunately found one with a bald baby. Ben is a great kid, and he does a lot of things well, but growing hair is not one of them. Perhaps one day the makers of Rogaine will contact us to give him a go, but for right now he is the world’s sweetest baby with the hair of Peter Boyle. But regardless, we all enjoyed the day.

Though I didn’t get to preach or celebrate today, we will be having communion later tonight as a family. And although no one ever listens to my sermons here at home (it’s a lot like church) I do plan on taking up a collection. I love my kids, but I like to keep them on their toes. They will crack up when I set down a collection plate in front of them too…..one of the best Tirman traits is that we love to laugh! We have been laughing together most of the day!

I won’t keep all of you reading this, I know we must all have dishes and laundry to do, since it is Mother’s Day and we all foolishly promise we will take care of those things, but before I go I do want to do one serious thing. I want to give thanks to God this day for all our mothers, and for all they are to us. In truth, anyone can be a parent, because that’s just science, but it takes a special person to be a mom.

I do hope your day has been as good as mine has. God bless you and I look forward to posting again tomorrow!

Fr. Tom+

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