Forgetting that which I thought I would remember……ouch!

One of the up-sides of having a stroke is that when you forget things, people seem to give you a lot of room for your mistake. Take this blog for instance…..yesterday I just plum forgot! Could it have been the stroke? Sure. Is it really likely that it was my stroke? Well, probably not.

Of course as a Christian, I suppose I could make the excuse that it was Sunday and the Sabbath. Fine and good, had I not already worked most of the day… it would have been a lie (you don’t take 75% Sabbaths)!

I will admit that I sat down early last night and did attempt to get some thoughts together, which never did come, but at least I tried. Was that failed attempt the stroke? Maybe, but without constant CT scans, doctors and therapists to tell me if it was or not, who’s to know? It probably really doesn’t matter. What mind I have is going to be there with or without excuses! I can no more replace it than I can my arm!

Anyway, Amanda reminded me about the blog tonight as I got home from Nashville and an Alpha Course preview at around 10pm, and she did so in a “I seem to need to be reminding you in a worrisome way.” That’s a sure and certain sign that she thinks it’s a stroke-thing. As for me, I appreciate her concern and gentle nudge… is welcome sympathy. I will not let it go to waste. If forgetfulness and confusion get me gentle reminders, maybe a few more forgetful episodes will relieve me from loading the dishwasher and mowing the lawn.

It’s worth a try…….but I won’t hold my hopes too high. After all, I am not crazy….I’ve just had a stroke.

Nite my friends and I am sorry to have forgotten to come back to my typing last night!

God bless. forgetting


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