My birthday with intention……….

Yes, I did NOT post yesterday.  It was the five year anniversary of my stroke, and quite honestly I was both surprised and kind of thankful that NO ONE remembered.  I was with Amanda and Steph and Ben, and nothing.  I heard from no one via email or online.  I didn’t receive a card or a note…….AND….I didn’t even remember myself until late in the day.

To me, that is really a pretty good sign.  It was an event that was so life-changing that I often obsessed on it.  Over the years it has become less and less apparent, even though its going to be my life-time friend.  Yet of all the things that it causes me to forget, THIS ANNIVERSARY is not one of the things that bothers me.   Yes, I was kind of bothered that Amanda and the kids didn’t do anything (like always) but then again, if I am really honest, I would rathe
r just be normal, or at least as normal as genetically possible for me.

So it’s not a MISS, but an intentional WAITING FOR A STINKING SURPRISE PARTY THAT NEVER HAPPENED.  But I am not bitter.  After all, I have had a stroke, and in about 5 minutes I will be looking out the window trying to remember my name.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Tommy+ (Bonaparte) 

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