Well I need to make a confession. Two nights ago, my wife (who is now also my barber) and I got into a discussion about my (former) moustache (see picture) that I had had for close to 30 years. She had the clippers (electric so I was safe) in her hands and asked me if I had ever shaved my chest hair. I never had, but I thought (as if it was a god idea) to say “go ahead and cut it off, after all you have the clippers.” So she did.
I would like to say that all that “barbering” uncovered that Adonis body that I used to have and still remember, but quite honestly it disturbed me more than I could have imagined. It reminded me of the time I cut my moustache off about 20 years ago just to see what I looked like. (of course I do not have it, the moustache, now as my stroke has killed my ability to grow it on one side) But as I recall, my daughter CRIED and was afraid of me as she did not recognize me….so I grew it back wishing I had a picture of me without it to remind me of what a moron I was.
IRONICALLY, I felt the very same way last night. No, not when she was doing all the barbering. As she was barbering I was just praying to God that she was attracted to WHALES. But it answered the question, and I will take a picture of it tonight so as to know I never to do it again. TONIGHT’S picture however is ME…..with both a moustache AND ALL my chest hair!!
But I probably won’t do it again regardless…..as I am a REAL GUY, a man’s man (not in a sexual way, but in a role model kind of way). You see this morning after I got out of the shower and had shaved, I put on after shave, and as is the custom, I rubbed some on my chest. I will not tell you what I said, but it certainly cured me of the desire for my wife to like whales.
I am just a guy, and a real guy at that. I have no regrets…..the only thing I am currently missing in my life is chest hair. But it will come back soon.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.