Using the lifeboat……again.

Though we left at 6 am to go to work in Nashville today, I did not get home till close to 11pm…..far too much for a man my age, let alone in my condition. The new facility is DONE though and you can check it out in person OR at Instead of trying to write and just end up rambling, Amanda called me at 10pm and told me she wrote the following blog entry! Thanks Amanda!
If I asked you to close your eyes and picture the most spiritual place you have ever been, where would it be? Think of the place where you have felt God’s presence most strongly; where you can feel the peace and serenity that only He can provide; the place where you feel your heart is most open to giving thanks to Him and you know He is there to hear you. I imagine that many people might picture a chapel that has special meaning, or a beautiful, peaceful outdoor spot where they have seen the vastness of God’s creation.

For me, this place is in my son Ben’s room. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it is the truth! Each night, when I am in his room, rocking him while he sleeps on my lap, the room is quiet and dark with only the nightlight by which to see. I can see the outline of his sweet face and hear him breathing in such peace.

But there is more to this room than just the joy of rocking my son. His room is an ever-present reminder to me of God’s power to change anything. I never wanted to have kids. I would have bet you my life savings that I would never have a child! It is only by the power and grace of God that my heart was changed and I was given the most wonderful gift of my son. The amazing part of God’s existence is that He can change absolutely anything, and most significantly, people. I have tried for years to change people (others and myself), and it never works! So imagine the power He possesses when He can change anyone.

This room is also the place where I am offered the time to reflect on all the blessings in my life, including Ben. In Mark 1:11, it reads “And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” I have read this passage many times and heard it many more at church, but it takes on new meaning to me now that I have a son of my own. And I never could have know this deeper meaning if the Lord had not changed me.

Give thanks to the Lord for the changes He has made in your life, and open yourself to Him so He can change you even more! He has great things in store for you! God bless.


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