The perfect way to ponder what we are made for…….

It’s 59 degrees tonight out here on the back porch, and Puddy and I enjoying the evening. For me it is perfect, for her the colder temperature has cut down significantly on her prey. But tonight neither of us is complaining. The moon is out, the sky is clear, and the end of this day has all the makings of a perfect night.

As I sit here tonight and reflect, I am struck at how very far we have come in such a short period of time. In just 20 short months, St. Michael the Archangel has grown from literally nothing to four operating missions, and three more in the planning stages. At the start we were just a handful of people, served by one deacon and one priest. We now have six clergy, three priests and three deacons. We were not intending to grow into all this, yet the Lord’s Vision was larger than ours. We have been blessed and are successful, not because we had some fancy business plan, but because we were faithful.

Indianapolis, Bloomington, and Muncie are next! (My peaceful night is turning exciting!) I am so very thankful for all that has been set before us (and yes, that means set before you as well). Our lives are all to have meaning and purpose. What better way to find yours than to faithfully serve the very One who gives you life?

Come join us for Church and for life!

God bless!


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