Of Eagle Eyes and Crow Realities……..

I have only been wearing glasses a couple of years. I remember complaining to Amanda about vision problems and headaches, and she was the one who prompted me (despite my protests) to go see if I needed glasses. I did.

Even at the optometrist however, I was in denial. I remember the “age talk” and how insulting it was to be categorized into this age group that was struggling with vision. I also remember him talking about needing bifocals “in a few years.” That totally irritated me! After all, I had “eagle-eye” vision.

Well of course me and my eagle-eye vision came how with glasses that week (two years ago from this week in fact) and those glasses only lasted a little over a year. Yep, sure enough my eyes got worse, and sure enough I needed those bifocals sooner than later, and yep, sure enough I have not handled it well either.

I am wearing them now as I type, and it does make a difference. Stupid doctors! I hate it that they were right, but I thank God that I can see better.

Things in life are always better in focus, and I suppose that can be a sermon for another day. But for today, I will just sign off and say goodnight! My hope and prayer is that God brings you many blessings in the coming days!

Peace and God bless!

Fr. Tom+

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