Oh Monday Monday!!!

I know some people hate Mondays, but for me it is actually my lightest day. Though my wife leads a Bible Study at our home on Monday nights, generally it is a day for me to catch up.

Deacon Morgan and I met to look at a couple of facilities for St. Patrick’s in Noblesville, but beyond that I have just worked from home. Tomorrow steps it up a bit with lacrosse practice and even a guitar concert Tuesday night that both Steph and Scott are in. The rest of the week is packed until Sunday afternoon! Hopefully as I get off my feet and relax on Sunday much of our work will have paid off and we will have found a permanent facility for St. Patrick’s.

But my thoughts go to my beloved daughter who came tonight from her part time job at CVS complaining how busy she was and how overwhelming it was. Amanda and I were only chuckling under our breath. Of course in looking at any week, I would love to trade it for as busy I was in high school. The kids have a lot yet to pile on, but we as a people learn by experience. She will, like we all do, find her easier days, and hopefully get rest. We need to remember how important rest is for the soul…..for even the Lord Himself rested.

Okay, off to bed! I need to get up early to put my feet in those starting blocks. The week’s race is set before me……and it looks to be a long distance run!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

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