Awakening? How can it be? I’m tired!

Today has been a long day, but overall a good one. The clergy of our district (that made up my first meeting here in Akron) are some of the finest people I know, and it is always uplifting to be around them. We are not just colleagues, but good friends. I truly feel blessed to spend time with them.

The second part (the part that now lasts until Thursday) is what is called the Anglican Awakening. It is a gathering of Anglicans from across many jurisdictions to talk about a variety of issues facing the Church as well as to worship with each other and pray for each other. It is an important gathering, particularly with the current ongoing Reformation taking place in the Anglican Communion. These are people on the front lines of this work, and it is exciting to be here.

It is, however, exhausting. I am just not used to sitting and listening that long, even when it is interesting! I am SO THANKFUL I was there after a good night’s sleep, but even with that it was trying. Pray that I will have more energy tomorrow….particularly in that it is a longer day! I would rather come back with a report of what went on, rather than having to report how many naps I had to take!

Anyway, I miss my family and of course the good people of Indiana, God’s FAVORITE STATE! I love Ohio, but I love home more…….and I am looking forward to being home very soon!

Goodnight my friends from the Home of the Akron Zips (really) and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

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