An intentional silence…….

Yes I know, I haven’t had a post in a few days, but this time it was intentional as I have been in Akron, Ohio for the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes Synod.  And I didn’t post because I was gone, and mainly because Amanda does not like to be here alone with Ben, and even more importantly to have that be common knowledge.  (I don’t worry as I believe she can shoot straight.)  But I fell on the sword and decided it was better for everyone to think I was just forgetful or crazy, rather than to let anyone with evil intentions know that she was here alone.

But that is not entirely true.  First of all, we have a BIG DOG.  Sure he is a Golden Retriever who sleeps about 23.5 hours a day, but he IS BIG.  And TWO, Ben is now in an “Ironman” phase as a new movie is coming out May 3rd.  But he will have to wait as his brother, PFC Scott Tirman USMC will be home in 25 days (for 10) and wants to take him to the movie himself.  So he will have to wait, but honestly I always feel better about our house, our family, and security when I know that there is a delusional 5 year old on site.  PLUS he is a Taekwondo WHITE BELT WITH A YELLOW TIP…….evil doers need to beware.

SO……..I am home and I am just here preparing for tomorrow.  In all honesty I really have my sights set on tomorrow after Church when I hope to see some serious NAP TIME and catch up.  But for now I will just say how thankful I am to be home.  MY wife and I have renewed our vows every night since late August of this past year, and my crazy schedule screwed that up last night.  So vows are on the agenda and then sleep.  Tonight’s picture is actually FROM TONIGHT as Ben and I hung out on the balcony off my office.

It has been a busy week and I am exhausted, but I NEED to rest and catch up.  After all, I am expected to take over for Ironman tomorrow night.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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