On my way…….

Well today is finished, and I am now at home and happy with the results.  Bootcamp went very well.  It was GLORIOUS to be back getting the crap kicked out of me, and I was the only man among 4 other very in shape women.  But I survived, and although I am sore, I am very blessed to start my year of recovery.

One thing I did not mention to you was that tonight Amanda and I also started Taekwondo together with Ben.  We cannot help him with that we do not know, and it was a blessing for us both to be able to try and punch each other legally, and without the police.  The picture tonight however, is of VIPER at Taekwondo, as the pictures of me in my “outfit” don’t quite look like the Pillsbury Doughboy, as he is A BOY and I am as old as PHARAOH.  But they are NOT flattering.  Amanda looks pretty hot in hers, but I could not get a good shot as she is always punching me.  SO you will have to take the consolation picture of my belt, post-Taekwondo, on my bookcase.  It will have to do.

But the bottom line is that I am on my way back…hell or high water, I am on my way back.  No more excuses, no more nonsense….no more no more.

Keep me in your prayers.  I am on my way and I am not looking back!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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