Early Release……

Ben and his school were on “early release” today, which I always feel is more of a prison term than a school term.  I suppose it helps that I hated school and that it felt like prison to me, therefore making the concept rather palatable.  What I can say however is that in the Dark Ages we had no such thing as early release.  In fact, anything under 10 feet of snow required us to go to school…..and we were there the entire time, unless of course we were skipping.

But I picked him up at 2:00pm, at the same place I dropped him off.  I was surprised to learn that he had made it through the day without getting into trouble.  When Father PT and I dropped him off at 8:00am he would not stop talking.  And talking just happens to be the reason for him getting in trouble about 90% of the time.  So when I picked him up and his teacher said he did great, my response was “really?”  I was surprised…..pleasantly surprised.  And tonight’s picture is of Ben dropping his mom off at the airport with the very best of intentions in March of last year.  He is, generally, a good boy…..although it is often hard to find hard evidence of it.  Tonight’s picture however is of him rolling his mom’s bags into the airport as she was off to a business trip to Texas in March of last year.  He LOVED taking her, and he was even more excited to pick her up!

But because he was on early release, and not for good behavior although he had it….they let everyone out, I did not put him onto some type of work crew when we got home.  I went out and mowed, and he just hung out with the dog.  I suppose all that skoolin wore him out and made it necessary for him to relax.   Good thing too…….he has a full day back at the joint tomorrow.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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