Of giving and offering over anything else……..

Just a week from now we will gather together and celebrate the birth of Our Lord on Christmas Eve. All four of our missions will hold services that evening and it will be a joyous occasion.

As I look around this world, I see so much that Our Lord speaks to, yet there seems so much resistance to Him. I saw a news program today where a town was arguing over whether they were “holiday lights” or “Christmas lights,” and there was quite a bit of anger on both sides. We have the manger vs menorah thing still going on, and now Kwanzaa has entered the debate as well. There is a lot of Santa, but very little Jesus. And as I ponder it all I wonder why anyone is surprised at the tension.

Being a Christian is not always easy, but it is important……particularly in the world we live in today. Jesus is not about the tension, He is about saving souls, and we would all do well to be able to tell the difference……not by ramrodding things down each others’ throats or fighting to the death over lights, but by sharing the Good News with others of what Jesus has done for us.

Keep on the path my friends and share what you know. The Greatest Gift ever given is never forced, but joyously offered and willingly received. And we can count on Him to do His part as well. The world needs Him and what He has to offer. Step up in faith, and help offer Him all the more!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

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