
Well I was doing fine tonight at my second class of Taekwondo when the bus pulled in.  They said they heard that I was there.  Yes, suddenly we were overtaken by a sea of little old ladies in the building running up to me, pushing me in the tummy and saying things like “I just love your crescent rolls.”  Obviously the white belt and whit TKD uniform looks funny and my diet still has a way to go.

But on the upside, I survived yet another class.  It can be rough, as you get kicked and you fall, but I always get back up.  In fact, I LOVE the contact!  And for the most part my body seems to remember it and is not screaming back at me.

So my post tonight is finished….and it was shorter than a toddler at a NBA game, but it is in the books as we say…….okay, I never say that, but really, for tonight I am done.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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