Be careful….please!

It seems that we are living in Antarctica (minus the penguins)! The temperature is dropping. Schools are already delayed for tomorrow before we even are going to bed, and the kids are already praying they just say it’s too cold to even go. We will see.

The weatherman says that these next few days may be the coldest of Winter. It is going to be so cold that even Fr. Terwilliger would stay inside! Okay that may not be totally true since Dave now moved back to Alaska where the average temperature is about 600 degrees below, and that’s in the summertime! But for us here it is cold!

So if you need to go out be careful and cover up! Make sure to be smart for this is weather is dangerous.

As for me, I am working from home, God willing, all day.

Off to a warm bed probably taken 3/4 up by a toddler in full-body jammies who wants to make sure his mom is warm!

Goodnight and God Bless.


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