
Today has been an unusual day. The days Amanda does not travel with me are few, yet today has been one of those days. Amanda’s illness has lasted all weekend long, and I hope and pray that the morning will find her better and on the road to health. Scott is also sick, but his symptoms are more flu-like. Please keep both of them in your prayers.

I spent most of the evening putting together two very large bookcases that will replace some of the furniture we lost in the pipe-bursting incident. I was glad to get to the end of this project, as well as to the end of the day, because it seems as if I have not stopped going since I got up. (yes, I know that is improper English….but I am tired) I am just thankful that all the parts were there, that they all went together as they should have, and that Monday will not see a work-in-progress when it dawns. Lord knows we have plenty of those already.

Anyway, I will head up to bed and get a good night’s sleep. Hopefully all this illness will pass without being handed off to anyone else!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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