Thank you God for all your blessings, and athletic tape…….

Sometimes the days get so busy that we cannot see their blessings, yet each day is filled with them. Today has been just such a day for me.

But as I sit at the end of it, I am sorry that I was not more appreciative at the time. I spent a lot of the day with Deacons Morgan and Conley. We were down in Nashville at our Church there, and were working on some pretty remarkable things. It was exciting, but looking back now I wonder why I wasn’t even more excited then. We have a great ministry, and I am blessed to work with some very wonderful people. I am thankful for it all, and we’re they awake now, I might just give them a call.

Then the afternoon was spent with Steph and Scott after school and the evening with just Scott who had a game. Steph went to the “Mr. Noblesville” contest at the high school, but we couldn’t understand that since she lived with three of us already. But she tires of our humor, so she went, and Scott and I just hung out. I know I mention a lot about how great my kids are, but I can’t say it enough. I need to be saying it to them more too, and I will. Scott got two things tonight, one, a goal, and two, what he swears is a broken foot. I told him that he can keep his goal, but not the broken foot, so I exchanged that for an icebag instead. It’s a different day and age in sports these days…..we used to re-attach arms, and perform on-field surgeries all with athletic tape. He will learn!

Anyway, I have made it through another day. Amanda and Ben are doing well, and Ben even talked to Scotty and I on the phone tonight. He is having a great time.

But today has been full of God’s Blessings and for it I am oh so thankful. I hope your day has been blessed as well!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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