Exhaustion is setting in…..

I am so tired tonight I can hardly stand it. Amanda and Ben are still in Kansas, and the older kids have lives, so I am here at the house moving furniture back into place, dusting, cleaning, and getting it ready for the new couch and chair (the last of the furniture) to be put in (by us) tomorrow. I didn’t think it was too much work, but here I am at midnight wondering where the time went. And since I will be meeting Deacon Dan early tomorrow in Indianapolis to pick the stuff up, I am not too hopeful about how I will feel in the morning!! Hopefully sleep will come and be productive.

Steph is at this point on her way home from Kentucky where she was to watch one of our friends, Mitch Corry, who plays college hockey down there. It should be a great time, in that ice hockey is God’s favorite sport, and it will please Him that she is there! But, it makes for a long night, particularly since she, and Mitch’s sister Maddi, had a pretty intense lacrosse game they played in at 5pm. I wish I had that kind of energy.

Scotty spent part of the night, like he has every night this week, playing different genres of music to planted seeds as part of his science fair project. It is odd to hear heavy metal in one room and toddler music in another, but it seems to be a pretty interesting topic. I know I would grow better in one over the other, but I am afraid I cannot confess which.

Anyway, the good news is that my sermon is done, and all I have tomorrow besides the furniture is bulletins and a few easy things. Praise God….I need a day to rest.

So off to bed for me! Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


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