Player down……..

Please keep Scotty in your prayers….Scotty came home from practice last night pretty sick. He thinks it was the lunch he ate at school, from which he didn’t seem to recover. But as of 11 he was still sick, and not a real good candidate for school tomorrow.

I didn’t know about all this until he called me. Everyone was at home, but I had left before he got home from practice to go to the men’s group at St. Patrick’s When I got home around 9 he was pretty miserable. PLUS, with his room still not done, he is sleeping on an air mattress (a nice one though) downstairs (he actually likes it….what a loon!) but there is a lot of foot traffic down there! I hope being a teenager means he can sleep through anything and anywhere,but time will certainly tell that for sure.

So this also means I am without my help to finish his room, though I intend to tomorrow. God never promises smooth sailing, only that He will be with us throughout our journeys. If He would just pick up a hammer, that would be so great…….but I have this feeling I will be doing the hammering while He supervises. No worries there though. I always do my best work when He is watching.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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