On making the grade……..

Well another day is done, and it is good to get to its end. As lacrosse has kicked up, and some family issues as well, my ability to keep up with it all has been tested over and over. I would not give myself an “A” in it either. I am afraid to confess that my grade is probably a high “D.” Too much has come up at once, and I am not reliant upon lists again, and am falling a bit behind….okay a lot behind. But please do not give up on me, just keep me in your prayers. You cannot practice how to deal with times like these as a post-stroke patient if you never have them. So I am really just considering all this an opportunity to learn!

My list for tomorrow should put a big dent in much of what I am behind in….at least I hope. If the dog don’t shop and the creek don’t rise that is…..okay, you can tell I can’t remember old sayings either. But as I get things under my belt and and off my list I am anticipating moving up on that grading scale. God has brought me a long way……….I am counting on making it the entire distance!

Okay off to bed! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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