The delusions of loneliness….

Two in a row may not seem much of a streak to you, but for me it currently feels monumental! I have been pretty upset about my memory as of late, and even began the day by being late to a meeting I almost forgot! BUT, in the end, I did actually get to everything I was supposed to, the day is at its end, and I appear to have finished it by completing everything. Of course Amanda is in Arizona with Ben, so I really do not have her to tell me what I have forgotten. So I suppose I shouldn’t feel so confident. But for now I just will. She can be the party pooper when she returns. I am just going to enjoy it!

I am also enjoying lacrosse season. I have actually been able to see Scotty play, and that is big considering I am the head coach of the women’s program. We have played 3 games and have a full practice schedule as well. We won again tonight and are now 3-0 going into our game on Saturday morning against Concord. It has been an exciting time, and I am enjoying it very much.

Oh but of course I am lonely!! I was actually right all day long! Husbands, do you have any idea how odd that is??? I may even be a rebel and sleep on her side of the bed tonight too!! I know, daring, but I just may! She will be home late on Sunday, so all this wild living will be coming to an end. But it has been just like being a bachelor again, sans the messiness, the pizzas, and the delusions of my value as an attractive man! I am married now, keep things (fairly) clean, eat better, and have no doubt that my clergy credentials, two teenagers and a toddler, probably would earn me a silver medal in any two man race. Thank the Lord I need not worry any more! I was brought down hard tonight when talking to someone tonight about Ben and they asked me if I had any other grandchildren! I am blessed Amanda is in my life (of course she tells me that all the time!) because without her I would be clearly doomed!

So let’s end this ramble with the acknowledgement that I am looking forward to their return. Steph, Scott and I will grill out and hang out tomorrow night for fun, but I know we are all better when we are together. It is coming, it is just going to be a bit longer.

My hope and prayer for you is that you day was filled with God’s abundant blessings!

Goodnight to you my friends, and God Bless.


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