My First Day Post-Easter……..

Today is traditionally a day of rest for me. For the majority of my ministry I have been so exhausted by this point that I just crash. But today, even though I took it easy, was far from a crash. I actually got quite a bit done, and am now out on the porch typing away with the cat.

I am happy to be here too. It will be much nicer when the trees have leaves and the air is a bit warmer, but this is so much nicer than the snow. During the cold months it is like I lose an old friend. There’s something about sitting out here that makes me feel relaxed.

I guess it reminds me of how my grandma and I used to sit out on her front porch when I was a kid. There was never an agenda, we just hung out and spent time together. The world seems so different now. It seems we are all pushed to fill up all our time with something, but my grandparents taught me that doesn’t have to be the case. I enjoy, and am even rejuvenated by the simple act of just watching the world go by on a porch. Of course mine is quite different than hers. First of all, she is not here with me, which I miss, but I know she would be if she lived a little closer. Second, my porch is a screened in back porch and looks out over a field, not a front porch in Goshen Indiana. Goshen is my favorite place in the world, and pray as I might, my porch just cannot seem to get the same feel. And then of course being an adult now brings me to any porch with far more on my mind than I ever did in Goshen! But regardless, it still feels good to be here, and I am blessed to have it nonetheless.

I hope and pray that you have a place to renew your soul as well. And I also pray that today was a blessing to you, and that tomorrow will be as well.

God Bless you my friend, and thanks for checking in!


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