Sometimes things just ignite and the flames get pretty high, and I suppose that would be a good way to describe my day today. Amanda’s back has incapacitated her, and it has been a lot of extra work to take care of Ben, her, and still work. I moved a meeting to the church this morning and was not even able to to shave this morning……and still haven’t.

What made this day totally on fire was getting home at 2pm and letting out our dogs. Many of you know that we both breed and show Golden Retrievers, and yes, we have one dog who is pregnant. Jenny however didn’t look due at all. We have delivered lots of pups, and we had planned to move her into sleeping in her whelping box within the next few weeks.

When I let them out for their afternoon walk, they all came running and were happy and energetic, including Jen. But there was a high piercing crying that I just couldn’t figure out. But as I went further into the pen I saw her, a small scared, crying pup, that I went and picked up immediately.

What I could not understand was that Jen wasn’t acting in labor, nor did she show any signs of delivery, nor did the pen. We are experienced breeders though, so this warranted a quick call to our vet, the amazing Dr. Vicki Barker Hagerman. Sure enough, Jen and I and the pup went to see Dr. Vicki for a check-up and x-ray.

The diagnosis was that Jen was carrying a small litter, just four, and tonight would be the night. We hustled back home, with the hopes of no car-delivery, and we were successful. I got the box ready, and over the past few hours have seen the other three enter the world. One girl and three boys. Mom and all the pups are healthy. I still haven’t shaved and feel gross. But the day is done and the flames are going down. Thanks especially to the girls on my lacrosse team for being so understanding about needing to cancel practice.

Anyway, I need to check on my wife….she has been a trooper, warming cold puppies on her chest while unable to move herself. Steph and Scott have helped too, and Ben just wants to hold the new puppies. Today has been a mess, but the next few weeks should be awesome!

I hope your day has been wonderful! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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