Of doctoring with only a parental license…..

It is once again late, and I just got home. Scott and Ben are fast asleep in Scott’s bed, and Steph is in her bed not feeling well at all. And, as I begin this blog, Amanda is on the couch with the puppy watching TV. All alone again!! That also means I have dog duty tonight (not dog dootie). No worries though…..at least they will act as if they are happy to see me!

Hopefully this scenario does not worsen overnight, but we all know that it often does. I have had girls on the lacrosse team fighting something lately, and one girl was even sick at practice today. Another was riding the edge. With a game tomorrow, it makes me a bit worrisome.

Ben will be sleeping with us tonight. He took a wiffleball bat to the head at the babysitter’s by walking into the swing of a 5 year old. It was a hard swing and he apparently went down after being hit, only to stand up, dust himself off to the extent that a 22 month old kid does, and went back to playing. How he could stand it with that lump on his head was beyond me, but like his athletic siblings, his focus was apparently on the game. In our family he will be required to play ice hockey and lacrosse (Steph and Scott will insist upon it), but with his level of toughness already at this age, God save those he will play against. He’s going to be a monster!

With that, I will head back to the infirmary. I am the doctor on call. I know I already will have one patient for tomorrow. Pray for us that there may not be more!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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