What about Ben……..

What a goober….Ben looks like he has been beaten! His nose is all cut up and he has a big goose egg on the center of his forehead. Oddly enough it was a graham cracker (and sidewalk) injury. Injured by his favorite snack food….how ironic!

But Ben really doesn’t care. He still is full steam ahead, and he scares me….even more than Steph did. Steph was one of those kids whose legs were always bruised from running into things. It wasn’t that she was a klutz, she just had no fear (or common sense). Ben however makes her look like a pansy! He has speed, no fear, no common sense, and a male brain. Good Lord please save him from himself! I am just glad he is alright.

This is a big lacrosse weekend for us. Scott has three games up north, and we have a JV game tomorrow and the second round of sectionals on Saturday night. Amanda and Scott will be at a Comfort Inn on Friday night, Scott in a room with players and Amanda in a room by herself. I on the other hand will no doubt have no luck convincing Steph to sleep with Ben. I will surely spend yet another night with his stinky little feet on my head.

But truly I will enjoy it. This is the end of our most hectic time of the year and we are all excited about these games. All of us that is but Ben. He seems so innocent, but is no doubt plotting some other daredevil stunt to scare us to death.

Kids……you gotta love em!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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