Of enjoying peace in pain……

Well the night is even better….66 degrees and a little breeze. I have no glass of wine, jug, keg, or anything else….just my writing partner Puddy out here on the porch. Unfortunately, my pain is still killing me, so tomorrow I will call my doctor. Advil, Naproxen, rest……nothing is working and I am miserable. Hopefully they will have the answers there.

Amanda went back to work today, much to my disappointment. She came home and laid down, because she was “seeing spots,” and that upset me a great deal. Migraines are serious business and she gets very severe ones. Maybe we can get a couples appointment for tomorrow! And of course I want to get my problems fixed before government takes over health care, after all I have seen “Logan’s Run,” and I believe I have a few more useful years in me.

But for now I will just end this entry and sit back and watch the stars. It is a beautiful night and a blessed one as well. God made a lot of marvelous things…..tonight I will just sit back and take them in!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Thanks for checking in!


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