Getting a handle on things…….

I am not certain whether this is post 400 or if tomorrow will be, but I am in the ballpark regardless. I am out on the porch, my wife’s family has all returned home, and Amanda and Ben and I are the only ones who are home. Ben turns 2 tomorrow, and he is spending his last night of baby-hood wailing in protest of being put to bed too soon. The poor boy. He just wants to stay up and have fun.

As for me, I am just trying to get a handle on my week. I will work tomorrow, be in Ohio Wednesday, and then back to work the rest of the week. It makes planning things a bit difficult, but plan I must. I will say that I am just glad to get most of the summer celebrations behind me. It has been a cake-fest for sure, but even I can have too much! (I even had left-over cake tonight…it feels like too much NOW)

Anyway, I am off to relax. I need some down-time, and I will get a little tonight. Amanda and Ben are now in bed…..together. He is a brilliant man! I will catch them in about an hour. I am going to just enjoy the porch while I can!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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